Git uses and advantages

Git uses and advantages

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      Meaning of Git 

Git is a software for tracking changes in any set of files.It is usually used in coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing a source code during software development.

       Uses of git
  1. Git is used to track changes in source code.

  2. It promotes cooperation between developers .

  3. It support non linear development through its thousand parallel branches.

  4. It is mainly use for source code development.

  5. The distributed version control tool is used for source code management.

    Types of git workflow

    These are the 5 main types of git workflow that can be employed in your business.

  6. Basic.

  7. Feature branches.

  8. Gitflow.

  9. Forking workflow.

       Advantages of git
  10. Git branches are cheap and easy to merge.

  11. Git is it’s branching capabilities unlike centralized version control systems.

  12. Feature branches provide an isolated environment for every change to your codebase.

     Disadvantages of git
  13. Git requires a technical excellence and it is slower on windows.

  14. They have poor GUI and usability.

  15. Git does not support checking out sub trees.

  16. It lacks windows support and does not track empty folders.

  17. There is no built in access control and it does not support binary files.